How to Reply to WSG (What's Good)? Here Are 15 Great Responses!
Having trouble figuring out how to reply to 'WSG'? Well, here are some great responses that you can try out! Gone are the days when you'll scurry around wondering what to reply.

When texting, especially regarding dating, people tend to use all kinds of icebreakers to set the mood, but once in a while, all you’ll get is a “WSG?”. So, what should you say? Well, “WSG” is short for “What’s Good?”, so there are a couple of ways you can answer this. In this article, we’ll have a look at some of the most common mistakes when responding to “WSG” and 15 different ways you can respond. Let’s get to it!
What are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Responding to "WSG"?
Before we look at the various responses to “WSG”, it’s a good idea to show you what are the most common mistakes that you should avoid!
While there are number of ways you can respond to “WSG”, overreacting is not a good look. It’s obvious that the person texting you is trying to keep it chill with a simple message, so you’ll need to match that with the same amount of energy.
Being Too Formal
“WSG” is just another way of being friendly and saying high. So, just keep things relaxed and casual, no need to be formal or anything like that.
Responding With Too Many Messages
“WSG” isn’t exactly a question for you to answer with all of your troubles. It’s just something to start the conversation, so don’t respond back with a dozen messages. Once you start texting back and forth, that’s when you can “let loose”.
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How Do You Properly Respond to WSG?
So, how does one properly respond to “WSG”? Well, considering it’s a pretty simple question, the responses should be as simple as well. But, either way, we’ll let you in on some of the best responses you can use!
1. “Nothing Much, You?”
If you don’t have much to say, this is pretty simple and sends the question right back, opening up the room so you can talk.
2. “Could Be Better I Guess.”
A bit of a gloomy tone, sure, but if you aren’t really feeling the best, it’s a good way to start the topic. That is, if they decide to ask you what’s wrong.
3. “I’m On My Way To This Place/Event. Want To Join Me?”
If you’re up for meeting up with the person who hit you up and you already have plans, this is a great way to invite them. It sends out an eager vibe that you want to see them.
4. “Is That Your Best Line?”
If this is someone on a dating app who’s trying out their lines on you, let’s be real, it’s a pretty bad pickup line. So, hitting them with a light jab like this will surely get some laughs and break the ice.
5. “Not Much, But Excited For This Friday!”
A good way to let them know you have things going for the weekend and maybe even get them interested in your plans.
6. “I’m Great, Thanks For Asking!”
If you’re feeling good, let them know! Show them how you’re feeling by giving off good vibes.
7. “Better Now Once You Texted.”
No better way to show someone you’re interested in them than this. Telling them they make you feel good is a pretty big green flag for them!
8. “Same Old, Same Old. What About You?”
A pretty generic answer, but if you’re talking with a friend, it’s enough to get the conversation going.
9. “I Just Watched This Crazy Movie. Want To Hear About It?”
Want to make it easy on them to keep the conversation going? This is the way to do it! Of course, it doesn’t have to be a movie, it can be a show, a game, a book, etc.
10. “Not Much Right Now, But I’m Open To Ideas”
If you don’t have anything to do and are open to meeting up, this is a pretty solid response. If they’re up for it, you could be out for drinks in a matter of minutes!
11. “Quite Busy Right Now! I’ll Text You Back.”
If they hit you up at the wrong time, you can always text them back. So, don’t worry about telling them you’re in the middle of something. But make sure not to forget to text them back later.
12. “Nothing Much, Just Thinking About You.”
Want to skip all the unnecessary small talk? Well, if you mention that you’re actively thinking about them, they’ll definitely want to skip the small talk as well.
ALSO READ: 10 Ways to Respond to "Hey" on Bumble + Examples
13. “Nothing Really, Can I Call You?”
If you don’t feel like texting, why not call them? Speaking is always faster than texting, so you can catch up on a lot more when on a call.
14. “All Good, Thanks!”
If you don’t feel like talking with the person that hit you up with a “WSG”, you should keep your response short and don’t ask them back. That way, you send the right signal, but you’re also respectful.
15. “Forget About Me, What’s Up With You?”
Send this if you want to show them that you’re more interested in what they have to say rather than talking about yourself. They will definitely appreciate it!
Tips When Responding to ‘What’s Good’
To ensure that your response to “What’s good” is always pristine, here are a couple of tips you should keep in mind:
Ask Them ‘WSG’ Back
When someone asks you “WSG”, they probably want to talk about their day as well. So, whatever you decide to say, consider asking them back about their day.
Keep It Light
Unless they specifically start a heavier topic or want to know more about your specific situation, you should keep things light. Don’t go too deep into your problems to a message as simple as “WSG”.
Humor Always Helps
If you don’t feel like a generic answer is good enough, you can always use your funny side to your advantage. Hit them back with a funny one-liner to get a laugh. That’s a great icebreaker that will help keep the conversation going.
If you practice the tips we mentioned above when responding to “What’s Good” and avoiding the most common mistakes, your response will always win the vibe check!
If you want a more complex response, or if you want to know how to take the conversation further, check out our blog for an abundance of tips and guides.
If you feel like you’re always getting low-effort pick-up lines like “WSG”, consider reworking your online dating profile with our Profile Review service. Or, with our AI-powered Dating Assistant that can do much more than that!