13 Green Flags in the Talking Stage That Show You’re Doing Well
Unlock the secrets to successful texting with our comprehensive guide on green flags in the talking stage. Learn to recognize positive signs, enhance your communication, and deepen connections with potential partners.

We all know the benefits of texting people you’re interested in. You no longer have to jump through all those “old-fashioned” hoops to get to know someone better, of searching endless bars for a diamond in the rough, then slowly courting them over calls and letters. Texting replaces all that and makes things a little bit easier.
But, the problem with texting is that you can’t read the person’s facial expressions or body language, the minutiae of communication, so the only thing you’re left with is the text itself, in all of its confusing lack of context.
Luckily, there are signs that can help you figure out how your conversation is going, even if it’s only over text. That’s why in this article we’ll share some of the more common green flags in the talking stage that indicate you are doing well, and how exactly they can help you take things further.
Why Knowing What Green Flags Are Does Matter
So, we know there are green flags, but why exactly are these useful? How can these flags help us during the talking stage?
Remember that you’re talking with a potential partner here, so naturally you want to know more about them. The same indicators that things are going well are the very same avenues to form a deeper connection. These signals can give you an insight into the person’s values, character, how they handle various situations, how they treat their close ones, etc.
Green flags can also show you just how well you’re doing in the talking stage. With enough green flags in your situationship, you will be able to know whether it’s worth continuing texting with this person and invest in turning it into something more. So, without further ado, let’s look into these green flags in the talking stage!
What Are the Green Flags or Signs That Show Your Talking Stage Is Going Great?
Green flags can be found almost everywhere if you look for them. For example, how fast they respond, how they answer your questions, how and what they ask you, etc. Let’s get into the details!
1. They Ask Unique Questions
Small talk can be a good ice-breaker, but if you’ve already texted back and forth for a couple of days, there really is no need for more of these. So, if they’ve started asking you unique questions, questions “tailor-made” for you, that’s a pretty good green flag. It shows that this person wants to know more about you. Regular/boring questions like “How are you today?” aren’t that much of a green flag, but attempts to dig into specific hobbies or thoughts of the future are.
2. If They Ask Questions At All
While questions that are tailored for you are better, even small talk questions can be a green flag. A lot of people use basic questions like “What was work like for you this week” to get the conversation going. So, if they’re the ones asking these questions, it’s likely they want to chat with you, which is the green flag we’re looking for!
3. They Initiate The Conversation
The talking stage needs to always be two-sided. You want someone that is looking forward to chatting with you, so if they’re frequently starting the conversation first, that’s a pretty good green flag. If you rarely get the first message then they might not be as interested in texting.
4. They Are Present And Responsive
When still in the talking stage, you probably want a person that will do just that, talk. You want someone that’s often present in the chat and responsive. So, if they often quickly reply to your questions or conversation starters, this is a pretty big green flag. It shows you that they are interested in talking to you.
5. You Always Have Things To Say/Share
Online conversations can quickly fizzle out because you don’t know what else to say. However, when you both feel that chemistry, you feel like you can talk forever and you never run out of things to say to each other.This is one of the best green flags when you’re still in the talking stage.
However, if you run out of things to say, that doesn’t mean you should think about ending your situationship. There are some tricks you can use to revitalize your conversation and keep it going.
6. They’re A Good Listener
One trait that a lot of people seem to lack in the dating world is the ability to listen. It seems that so many people have trouble being a good listener these days. That’s why this trait can be a huge green flag. If you noticed that they frequently referenced previous conversations or mentioned the stories you’ve told, that’s a solid sign that they are a good listener. That’s something we can all appreciate!
7. They’re Generally A Good Person
We’re all looking for a good-hearted partner, and we all want to be good-hearted as well. But, the reality is that being good isn’t always easy because we need to give without expecting to get something in return. So, if you see signs in your talking stage that this person is generally a good person towards other people then it’s likely they’ll be just as good with you.
8. Things Are Getting Flirty
Let’s be real, one of the best ways to give a chat a bit of a spark is with flirting. So, once you’re both often getting flirty with each other, you’re in a pretty good spot! At that point, consider utilizing the push-pull method to get them a little bit more fired up about you!
9. Respects Boundaries
When in that “honeymoon” part of the talking stage, you may find yourself texting this person often. And maybe even, too often. It’s a good idea to cut down a bit on the chatting because you don’t want to seem a bother. You’re respecting their personal space, and that’s great! But, this should apply to both of you. So, if he or she respects your personal time and your boundaries, that’s a green flag.
10. You Start Making Plans Together
The whole point of the texting stage is to find out more about each other, but also to take things to the next stage. That’s how you can build a healthy relationship. So, if you’ve both started talking about potential future dates or making plans for any kind of activities, that’s a green flag that you got a good thing going!
11. You’re Not Afraid To Be Honest
Have you started to feel more comfortable when talking to this person? Have you stopped having second thoughts when you want to be honest or tell vulnerable stories about yourself? That’s a very good sign! It means they’ve shown you that you can trust them and that is a green flag for every relationship.
12. They’re Just As Honest
It goes without saying that honesty needs to go both ways, but it’s important enough to mention it. So be sure to be on the lookout for this green flag as well.
13. They’re Actively Working Toward Taking The Next Step In Your Relationship
Last but not least is their willingness to turn this casual chatting into something real. How often do they show interest in seeing you (in real life)? How often do you actually get to see each other? Do they show interest in officializing your relationship? These are some of the questions you can ask yourself to find this green flag. But it’s also important to acknowledge that every person has a different approach to relationships. Some might need more time than others to turn a love interest into a partner.
How to Maintain or Improve Your Green-Flagged Talking Stage
If you think that you’ve found enough green flags in your talking stage then you will need to continue maintaining it or, more importantly, improve the current situation. Here are ways you can do just that:
Keep Your Expectations Realistic
While in the talking stage, you’ll want to manage your expectations about your “potential” partner or relationship. As long as your expectations are realistic, it’s less likely you’ll get disappointed, maintaining your talking stage green-flagged. And, it will only get better if your expectations are surpassed.
Flirting Is A Powerful Tool
We already mentioned that a flirty chat is an obvious green flag. However, if you’re not at that stage yet, consider upping your flirt level. Use it as a way to show just how much interested you are in them. The best thing about it is that flirting is easy, with so many various flirty pick up lines or questions already posted online.
Tell Them How You Feel
If you feel like the talking stage has been going on for too long and want to turn this connection into a real relationship, then make sure to tell them how you feel. Don’t be afraid to take this next step as they might feel the exact same way, and if you don’t pose the question, you’ll never know.
Can the way someone talks about their family or friends indicate green flags?
Yes. The way someone talks about their family or friends is an insight into what kind of treatment you will get if you enter a relationship. If they show love and respect to their closest ones, then you will probably feel the same type of love towards your way as well.
What are some examples of healthy ways to handle disagreements in the talking stage?
One of the best ways to handle disagreements, especially in the talking stages, is by agreeing to disagree. Nobody in particular has to be in the wrong or right, so accepting the difference in opinion is fine. In such situations, you can say: “I see where you’re coming from, but I have a different viewpoint on the situation. Let’s just agree to disagree.”
How should past relationships be discussed during the talking stage?
When in the talking stage, it’s probably best to avoid talking about past relationships too much, unless you’re asked. It’s a bit early to delve too seriously into that topic. However, if they do want to know about your past relationships, you can always share some basic information about the person, the length of the relationship, why things ended, etc.
With this list of green flags you will now be scouting for, you should have no trouble determining where exactly you’re at in a talking stage. And from there, you will also know how to continue further, or maybe even end things if needed.
Read through our blog for more relationship advice. Check out our AI Dating Assistant App if you think you need help making your talking stage's flag even greener.
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