110 Star Wars Pick Up Lines (No Jedi Mind Tricks Required)
From confident Han Solo quips to humorous Jedi jests, find the perfect line to captivate your fellow fan.

Since A New Hope released in 1977, fans have been dropping hints that are inspired from a galaxy far, far away.
Star Wars pick up lines are playful and creative phrases inspired by the Star Wars franchise, that people use to flirt or initiate conversations in a fun and light-hearted way. They often involve wordplay, references to iconic Star Wars characters, and puns related to the series. These lines cater to the shared love of Star Wars among fans, making them an easy way to break the ice.
Scenario: Imagine a Star Wars fan attending a themed convention or a cosplay event, surrounded by fellow enthusiasts. They spot someone across the room dressed as their favorite character and want to strike up a conversation or potentially make a romantic connection.
In this scenario, the person might turn to the internet to search for Star Wars pick up lines to use as an amusing and engaging conversation starter.

Do Star Wars Pick Up Lines Work?
The answer is generally yes. Star Wars pick up lines can be quite effective.
Being such a huge part of sci-fi and pop culture, Star Wars is a rich source to form a connection with somebody else. These pick up lines will help you break the ice, establish a common interest, create a fun environment, and hopefully leave a lasting impression.
It's important to use these pick up lines in the right context and with a sense of humor. Not everyone may appreciate them, and they might not work in all situations. It's essential to gauge the other person's receptiveness and be prepared to switch to a more traditional conversation if the pick up line doesn't resonate.
With all that said, let's explore some Star Wars pick up lines that you can use to charm your potential love interest!
What Are Some Good Star Wars Pick Up Lines to Use?
Prequel Trilogy (Episodes I-III)
Anyone born before 2000 will have grown up seeing these films in theatres, and no matter your opinion on the cheesiness of “Attack of the Clones” or the ratio of galactic trade disputes to lightsaber fights, there is quite a lot of nostalgia these days for the Prequels.
Here are 21 pick up lines from the Prequal Trilogy!
- "Is your love like a lightsaber? Because it's cutting through my blast door."
- "Are you an angel? Because you look just like Padmé.”
- “You’re the only one I’d like to be chained up within the Geonosis Arena.”
- “You can’t be a clone trooper because I’ve never seen anyone like you.”
- "Are you a Jedi Council member? Because I’m ready to take my spot next to you."
- "There’s something burning in my heart, and I don’t know if it's love or the smelting plant on Mustafar.”
- "Is your name Padmé? Because you've got the power to make even a Jedi fall in love."
- "Is your heart as powerful as Darth Vader's Force chokehold? Because I can't breathe when I'm around you."
- "I'm not a Sith, but I'd use the Force to bring you into my life."
- "Are you from Naboo? Because you're the queen of my heart."
- “Are you a Gungan? Because I’m the bigger fish in the sea.”
- “Is your love as unpredictable as podracing? Because I'm ready to take the gamble.”
- "Is your heart as epic as the Battle of Coruscant? Because I'm ready to fight for it."
- "Is your love as deep as the ocean on Kamino?"
- "If feelings were midichlorians, my count for you would be off the charts.”
- “I saw you in a prophecy. You are my Chosen One.”
- "Just like Anakin couldn't stop thinking about Padmé on Naboo, I can't stop thinking about you.”
- "Every time you walk by, you Duel my Fates.”
- "Are you related to Yoda? Because yodalicious!”
- "You're the Senate to my Palpatine; I want to know every part of you.”
- “You must be Padmé, because it looks like you can handle yourself.”
Original Trilogy (Episodes IV-VI)
The classic films still resonate almost fifty years later for their charm, action, and ground-breaking cinematography and special effects.
So many of us grew up on these, either grainy VHS’s that had been re-played to death or the “special edition” versions that Lucas couldn’t help himself from tinkering with (for a conversation starter, simply state “Han shot first”).
Here are 19 pickup lines from the original trilogy for you to try out!
- "Are you Darth Vader? Because you've captured my heart faster than the Empire captured Leia on Tantive IV."
- “Do I have better odds than firing a proton torpedo down the Death Star’s weak spot?”
- "Is your love as electrifying as Emperor Palpatine's Force lightning?"
- "Are you a Womp Rat? Because you're the only target I want to shoot for."
- “You’ve lowered my shield generator. I just hope it’s a love-bombing run.”
- “The only ghosting I hope you do are Obi-Wan and Anakin’s force ghosts.”
- “I’ll be a droid if you be a Jawa. I just want you to take me home with you”.
- "Is your love for me as eternal as Yoda's wisdom?"
- "Are you the Rebel Alliance? Because I'd be willing to defy the Empire to be with you."
- "Are you C-3PO? Because then you could tell me what my heart is trying to say.”
- Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your twin suns.”
- “I’ll be a droid if you be a Jawa. I just want you to take me home with you”.
- “There’s nothing broken about my motivator.”
- “You’re more charming than Lando Calrissian.”
- "Is your love as strong as the Force? Because I'm feeling a powerful connection."
- “Is your name Alderaan? Because you just exploded into view.”
- "I’m dreaming of going into moisture farming on Tatooine with you.”
- "Don't make me go Solo tonight.”
- “Never tell me the odds.”
Sequel Trilogy (Episodes VII-IX)
The most controversial of the Star Wars movies— these can be risqué to simply reference. We recommend getting a feel for how much they liked these not-so-fan-favorite films, but for the right person, you can form a special connection by going where few others have ventured.
Here are 21 deep-cut sequel pickup lines for you to slide into the conversation!
- “You make my heart explode like the Hosnian system.”
- “You’re as intimidating as a Dreadnaught heavy cruiser. I bet I can find your weak spot, however.”
- "Your smile as radiant as the Starkiller Base's superweapon."
- "I’m worried about getting trapped on Jakku because I’d be nowhere without you.”
- "Can we fight and make up like Rey and Kylo?”
- "Your love is as mysterious as how Emperor Palpatine returned.”
- "Are you BB-8? Because you've rolled into my heart."
- "You look as brave as Finn leaving the First Order?"
- “I know you’ll never betray me like Finn did the First Order.”
- “Are you Poe Dameron? Because I’d love to be flown by the best pilot in the galaxy”.
- “I’d have left the Resistance with you around. There’s just no use fighting these feelings.”
- "Is your love as terrifying as Kylo Ren's lightsaber?"
- “Is your love like the Force? Because it surrounds us and binds us, and I'm ready to be bound to you.”
- “Is your name BB-8? Because you've rolled your way into my heart.”
- “Are you a Porg? Because all I want to do is eat you up.”
- "Is your love for me as enduring as the Force ghost of Luke Skywalker?"
- "If you aren’t interested, I’ll be as blue as the milk on Ahch-To."
- "You can’t be Han Solo… because I don’t know what I have to do around you.”
- “You have just as much charisma as Poe Dameron.”
- "Is your kiss as sweet as the victory celebration on Ajan Kloss?"
- “My love is burning as bright as the Jedi Tree on Ahch-To.”
These lines are a little more general and look to keep things light. These can be more useful for somebody who doesn’t know a lot about Star Wars!
- "I’m like a cool tall glass of blue milk on a hot Tatooine day.”
- Ever been with a smuggler? I can’t promise I won’t shoot first."
- “I’m not getting any bad feelings about this.”
- "Are you a protocol droid? Because you're fluent in the language of love."
- "My love for you is like a Sarlacc pit... it’s endless!"
- "I might be a scruffy-looking nerf herder, but I clean up nice for a date!"
- "Are you a Jedi? Because my heart has a Force-ful attraction to you!"
- "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I pass by in my X-wing again?"
- "I'm not Luke, but can I make you a Skywalker tonight?"
- "Are you a Jedi? Because Yoda one for me!"
- "Want to extract my Death Star plans?"
- "I’m around if you can’t go to Tosche Station with your friends."
- "Is your dad Darth Vader? Because you just took my breath away!"
- "Do you come with coffee? Because you've just made my heart race like I'm in hyperdrive!"
- "The Force is strong with my feelings for you!"
- "Let's not be like Han and Leia. I won't hide my love, and you won’t say 'I know' when I express it."
- "Ewok into the room, and everyone else disappeared!"
- "You’ve been looking for love in Alderaan places. How about trying with me?"
- "You R2 good to be true!"
- Is your name BB-8? Because you've rolled your way into my heart.
- "Your beauty blinded me; I'm going to need a seeing-eye Wookiee!"
- "If kisses were stars, I'd give you a galaxy!"
Our last category is dirty Star Wars pick up lines. These 27 lines put your intentions front and center— with a very spicy twist.
- “I’ll always ask for your consent before I force choke you.”
- "You must be a carbonite technician… because I’m as hard as a rock.”
- "Your training must have been good. You haven’t touched me, but something is already rising.”
- "We may not be Wookiees, but I can still make you go Rrrruuuurrr."
- "I’m like the Millennium Falcon, the fastest hunk [of junk] this side of Kessel."
- "Wanna find out why they call me Boba Fettish?"
- "Are you a Sith Lord? Because I've definitely felt a disturbance in my pants."
- "Let’s pretend I’m Lando, and you can put me on my Sabacc."
- “Any interest in making some younglings?”
- "Why don't we head to my Star Destroyer and orbital blast each other?"
- “I want to make us as salty as the Battle of Crait.”
- "If kisses were starships, I'd send you the entire Imperial Navy."
- "I can’t wait to punch your hyperdrive when we get home.”
- “I hope we weren't separated at birth like Luke and Leia… because I can’t wait to kiss you.”
- "I promise I’ll warn you before I pull out my lightsaber."
- "Ready to see why they say I have the fastest hands in the galaxy?"
- "My name might be Leia… because I'm in the mood to be tied up tonight."
- "How about a rendezvous in the asteroid field? I promise to dodge every obstacle."
- "Want to experience the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs? Hop on board."
- "Want to see why they call it the Cockpit of the Millennium Falcon?"
- "How about I show you my Tatooine twin suns?"
- "Let's not make this a Solo mission; I could use a co-pilot tonight."
- "Ever wanted to polish a Jedi's lightsaber?"
- "If you thought the Death Star was big, wait till you see what I’ve got."
- “They say in space no one can hear you scream, but I bet our neighbors might."
- “Call me Lando… I’ll help you find your daddy.”
- "Let's just say my blaster is set to STUN you.”
What Should I Do If Someone Doesn't Understand My Star Wars Pick Up Line?
If a recipient doesn’t understand the Star Wars reference, don't worry. Explain the reference and wait for the reaction. The recipient might laugh and state that they have never watched the movies, knowing that most people have. It might even open a better opportunity, watching the movies together for the first time!
The other option is to let it go and use a different line, such as a generally cheesy pick up line to get the momentum back on track. If not, you can laugh it off and start asking the recipient questions about themselves and their hobbies because you really do want to get to know them!
Star Wars is going on fifty years of popularity, with more shows, movies, books, and cartoons than ever.
Have fun with the pick up lines and enjoy meeting new people, but don’t spend the whole conversation on them! Once you’ve broken the ice, get them talking about their own interests.
And if you do use any of the Star Wars pick up lines for an online dating profile, our online dating profile review can optimize it for you!