How To Get on Raya as a Normal Person in 2025 | YourMove AI
Click to learn how to get on Raya, even if you're not a celebrity or an influencer. Find out everything you need with our quick and easy guide.

You’ve probably never bothered applying for Raya…
Maybe because you figured you would have no chance of getting on it- You’re not a celebrity, after all.
Well, we wouldn’t give up hope so soon.
Because we looked into it, and there are quite a few cases of plain and simple regular folks getting on the dating app.
How did they do it? That’s exactly what we wanted to find out as well!
And we did- kind of.
In this post, we’re going to share every little strategy you can use to maximize your chances of getting on Raya and entering the big leagues.
What is Raya?
Raya is an application-only dating app originally released in 2015. Since most Raya applicants get rejected, the app is mainly known for its exclusivity. It's like a private dating club for exceptional people, ranging from Instagram influencers to athletes and artists.
Raya is also different from other dating apps because of its take on privacy and one-of-a-kind features. Fundamentally, this is what sets the app apart:
- Exclusivity: Contrary to other dating apps, Raya is a submission-based service that only accepts members they believe to be worthy of the platform;
- Paid membership: While most dating apps are freemium services, Raya requires a paid membership costing either $24.99 (normal subscription) or $49.99 (premium subscription) (source);
- Slideshow profiles: Raya is highly photo-centric, with most profiles being displayed in a slideshow format (where you get to see one photo after the other), sometimes accompanied by music;
- Real-time map: While apps like Tinder connect you automatically with people close to you, Raya lets you view an actual map displaying the real-time location of other community members;
Screenshot bans: Screenshots in Raya are forbidden and may result in an immediate ban. This adds up to the app's exclusivity and mystique.
The Raya Application Process Explained
Raya's application process is simultaneously simple and mysterious. The application per se is pretty straightforward; the membership criteria, on the other hand, are poorly defined and can be quite abstract.
To apply (the simple part), all you need to do is:

- Visit Raya's website and click on Apply For Membership (for some reason, the words are blacked out on the website);

- Enter your mobile phone number (please use your real number, as you'll have to enter a five-digit validation code);

- Enter additional basic personal information, including your name, location, career, and—crucially—your Instagram handle.
Finally, submit the application and wait for Raya to reply (spoiler alert: if you don't get accepted, chances are you will never get a reply and be left on the app's waiting list indefinitely).
Applying to get to Raya is a piece of cake, but how does the selection process actually work? The app's Terms of Service is the only official page discussing this topic, stating simply that:
"All applications will be considered; however, we reserve complete control and sole discretion regarding who is granted membership to the app."
Regarding the eligibility factors, Raya quickly mentions that:
"we’ve found an existing “real world” network within the community to be among the best indicators of an applicant’s engagement and enjoyment on the app."
To prioritize this real-world network, Raya invites applicants to ask for referrals from people who are already part of the app. These referrals are so sought-after that many users have reported paying up to $100 per referral on Reddit.
We fiercely advise against it, though, as most of the people selling Raya referrals on Reddit and other forums seem to be scammers. Also, they do not guarantee acceptance. At the same time, they are not mandatory, as we've found several examples of people who got accepted into Raya without one.
Make no mistake, though: If you know someone who's already on Raya, just do your best to add their referral to your application, as it will be of great help!
If you don't know anyone who's already on Raya, don't give up… Up next, we will tell you everything you can do to make it into Raya even without a referral!
How Do I Get Accepted on Raya Without a Referral?
Bring Something Unique to the Table
Raya's community includes people from various backgrounds, from average creative-minded folk to former reality show contestants.
It's not true that everybody who's on Raya is wealthy and beautiful, and the people running the application process seem to have a special liking for individuals who bring something unique to the table—even if they're not IG influencers or successful entrepreneurs.
Are you a passionate painter? Do you live in a weird house? Do you have four lizards for pets? Whatever it is that makes you special, you should go for it!
So, make sure your application process (especially your career description) and Instagram page reflect whatever aspects of your personal or professional life distinguish you the most. Oh, and speaking of Instagram…
Optimize Your Instagram Account
Raya requests your Instagram handle on its application form because it will be used to get a better idea of who you are. This is possibly the most important aspect of getting on Raya, even more so than referrals.
On Reddit, we found several examples of people without referrals who got into Raya thanks to their cool Instagram profiles. Therefore, optimizing your IG account before applying to the dating app is crucial!
Here's how you can do it:
- Make sure your Instagram account is public so Raya can thoroughly check the content in your profile;
- Try to raise your follower count. While some (lucky) people got into Raya without referrals and with as little as 1k IG followers, the app seems to value anyone who makes it big on social media;
- Review your Instagram profile thoroughly and identify any images, posts, or stories that may depict you in a bad light.
Improve Your Instagram Photos
Even though you don't necessarily need to be attractive to get on Raya, many app members are certain that looks matter for the application process. To be honest, it makes perfect sense, especially considering how photo-driven Raya's slideshow format for profiles is.
Before applying, you should carefully review your photos and take them to the next level. If you don't have the time to take new photos, don't worry: YourMove's AI Enhanced Photos tool can help you get impressive results even without leaving the house!
When used on dating app profiles, YourMove's Enhanced Photos tool has helped men and women all around the world land up to 44% more matches on average.
By improving your IG pics with realistic AI photo enhancement, you can surely increase your chances of getting accepted on Raya.
Make a New Application
Have you been on Raya's waitlist for months on end? Do you feel like your old application could be improved on? Or maybe you've landed one or two new referrals since?
In any case, you can always revoke your previous Raya application and submit a new one by contacting them at
Can I Get Raya If I Don't Have Instagram?
You should not try to get on Raya without an Instagram account because IG accounts are the “yardstick” with which Raya’s decision committee assesses your eligibility.
While we found many examples of people who got into Raya without referrals, we couldn't spot any testimonials from members claiming they got in without sharing their IG handles.
However, it's hard to know for sure whether one can or cannot get on Raya without Instagram. Could an A-list celebrity without an IG account (for example), still get into the app? Maybe yes, maybe not…
Is Raya Worth It?
Studies have shown that "the perception of exclusivity" elevates a subject's desire for something. Being the world's most exclusive dating app, Raya is surely an object of desire—but, in the end, is it worth it?
We believe it's 100% worth it to try to get on Raya, as being on the app makes for a unique experience that can surely up your dating game and self-esteem. However, we don't think it's worth it to obsess over getting on Raya.
Only about 8% of Raya applicants get accepted, meaning there are not as many people on Raya as on other dating apps. At the end of the day, it's way harder to get matches on Raya than on mainstream alternatives such as Tinder and Bumble. And isn't getting matches the whole point of dating apps?
Moreover, Raya isn't free, and the few people who get to join the app have to pay at least $24.99 per month to use it!
So, if you end up joining the 92% of Raya applicants who get snubbed by the app, don't sweat it: There are many other places where you can find the man and woman of your dreams. What matters is not the dating app you're using, but how cool your profile is.
To take your love life to the next level, be it on Raya, Tinder, or anywhere else, YourMove's Profile Review and Profile Writer tools can help. These tools use AI technology to analyze and optimize your dating profiles, helping you land up to two times more matches overnight!
How to Get on Raya (FAQ)
Can normal people get accepted on Raya?
Yes, normal people can get accepted on Raya. However, their chances are slim.
How does Raya verify users?
Raya verifies users by checking their Instagram accounts. For the application process, they also ask for basic information such as name, location, or career.
Is Raya hard to get approved?
Raya is hard to get approved, as only around 8% of applicants are invited to join the app. That means it's harder to get into Raya than, for example, the University of Oxford, which has an approval rate of 16.8%!
How much is Raya per month?
Raya costs $24.99 per month, with premium subscriptions costing $49.99 per month.
How long is the application process for Raya?
The application process for Raya can last anywhere between a few days and a few months or even years. According to Reddit testimonials, some people got accepted almost immediately after submitting their applications, while others spent several months on the waitlist.