113 Harry Potter Pick Up Lines That Work Like Magic Spells
Harry Potter pick up lines can cast the right spell even with non-Harry Potter fans. We compiled 113 pick up lines, from magical to flirty to dirty.

Pick up lines provide a soft landing between starting a conversation with strangers and figuring out what to say. Moreover, pick up lines range from flirty to dirty and cover a spectrum of themes, subjects, and jokes, including Harry Potter.
More than one generation has grown up with the cultural phenomenon that swept the world, and Harry Potter references are still mainstream. So, using a Harry Potter pick up line will land on most people, as well as tell them a little bit about yourself.
We compiled and categorized 113 Harry Potter pick up lines, so that you’re ready to cast your spell when you want to make your move!
What Is a Harry Potter Pick Up Line?
Harry Potter pick up line is a pick up line that references Harry Potter. For example, someone might say "Are you a wizard, because you’re casting a spell on me" to a stranger at a bar or nightclub.
Another person might say "Are you a Slytherin? Feel free to open my Chamber of Secrets" to a stranger at a Comic Con event. The pick up lines incorporate Harry Potter references in an effort to grab someone’s attention and spark a conversation with references that they may recognize.
What Is the Origin of Harry Potter Pick Up Lines?
The origin of Harry Potter pick up lines stem from the first book and movie, which released in 1997 and 2001, respectively. The world has a total of eight books (including Cursed Child) and eight adapted movies to choose references from, each ready to turn into puns, inside dirty Harry Potter jokes, and pick up lines.
And lucky for all of us, although Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 came out in 2011, the movies re-run frequently on cable TV. It’s therefore safe to assume that most individuals have heard about the boy who lived.
Do Harry Potter Pick Up Lines Work?
Yes, Harry Potter pick up lines can work.
If you attend a Potterhead-related event and use one of the lines on another Potterhead, there is a high probability that the line will catch their attention. The other Potterhead might come back with a snazzy line of their own, or simply turn their attention to you since you made the effort.
Outside of a Potterhead setting, Harry Potter pick up lines can still work, especially if you decide to use it in conjunction with a flirting technique, such as the push-pull method.
So let’s fly our broom into the world of Harry Potter pick up lines!

Magic-Inspired Harry Potter Pick Up Lines
Part of the draw to Harry Potter is the adventure wrapped up in magic, sorcery, and witchcraft.
Here are 21 magic-inspired Harry Potter pick up lines.
- "Are you the Room of Requirement? Because you're exactly what I've been searching for."
- “Are you using the Confundus charm on me or are you just naturally mind blowing?”
- “Baby, you don't need defense against my dark arts.”
- “Did you just use the stupify charm or are you a natural stunner?”
- "Do you have some Felix Felicis? Because I think I'm about to get lucky."
- “I must be under the Imperius curse because I can't resist you.”
- “I must need a love potion, because I can't stop thinking about you.”
- “I'm like Mad Eye Moody, I've always got one eye on you.”
- "Are you a Weasley? Because you're absolutely magical."
- “I'm not a wizard, but I can make your heart levitate.”
- “I've got the polyjuice potion, just give me the hair.”
- "If I were to make a love potion, I'd only need one ingredient: you."
- "Is your name Alohomora? Because you've unlocked something special in my heart."
- “Wow, when I said “Accio hottie,” I didn’t expect it to work!”
- “You don't even have to say "Luminos Maxima" to turn me on!”
- “You don't need to say "Incendio" to light my fire.”
- “You must be a Polyjuice Potion, because I can't believe how much I'm falling for you.”
- “You must be a wizard, because you just cast a spell on me.”
- “You must be my Horcrux because you complete me.”
- “You must be really good at Transfiguration! (Why?) Because you've changed my life.”
- “You must have given me some Skelegrow, 'cause my bone is really growing right now.”
When to use magic-inspired Harry Potter pick up lines: It’s possible to use the above pick up lines in several settings since they play on magic puns. The puns transcend Harry Potter and make a point about the intent behind them.
- Use Magic-inspired Harry Potter Pick Up Line #12 at a crowded event where you need to make a quick and lasting impression.
- Use Magic-inspired Harry Potter Pick Up Line #4 at a gallery opening.
Hogwarts Houses Harry Potter Pick Up Lines
Harry Potter famously helped the Hogwart’s Sorting hat pick the Gryffindor house for him. The houses play a big role in the characters’ identity.
Here are 11 Harry Potter pick up lines inspired by the Hogwarts houses.
- "Are you a Gryffindor? Because you've got the bravery to steal my heart."
- "Are you a Hogwarts acceptance letter? Because I've been waiting for you my whole life."
- "Are you a Hufflepuff? Because you're the most loyal person I've met."
- "Are you a Ravenclaw? Because you've unlocked the deepest mysteries of my heart."
- "I must be a Quidditch Seeker because I'm captivated by you."
- “If I were a sorting hat, I'd put you in my house!”
- "Is your name Hogwarts? Because you're where I belong."
- “The Sorting Hat has spoken, and it says I belong in your house.”
- “You must be a Gryffindor, because I can’t tell a lie around you.”
- "You must be a Hufflepuff, because you're badgering your way into my heart."
- "You must be a Slytherin because you've just 'slithered' your way into my thoughts."
When to use Harry Potter Hogwarts House pick up lines: The above set of pick up lines might work best on Potterheads, so ensure that the recipient has some knowledge of the Wizarding World.
- Use Harry Potter Hogwarts House Pick Up Line #3 at a Comic Con event.
- Use Harry Potter Hogwarts House Pick Up Line #11 at the Wizarding World in LA or Orlando.
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Funny Harry Potter Pick Up Lines
Making the recipient of a pick up line laugh leads to greater chances of speaking with them for a few minutes at minimum.
Here are 22 funny Harry Potter pick up lines.
- “Are you a Time-Turner? Because I'd go back in time just to meet you.”
- “Being without you is like being under a Cruciatus Curse!”
- “Do you like Harry Potter? Because I a-Dumbledore you!”
- “I am SIRIUS-ly into you.”
- “I may not be Harry Potter, but I can be your chosen one.”
- “I may not be the boy who lived, but I can still be your chosen one.”
- “I'd let you handle my wand any day!”
- “I'll show you my secret passage, but only if you solemnly swear that you're up to no good.”
- “I'm just like Oliver Wood, baby. I'm a Keeper!”
- “I'm not a Seeker, but I'll catch you if you fall.”
- “I'm not a Weasley, but I can give you a magical ride.”
- “Is your name Firenze? Because you’re the centaur of my universe.”
- "Is your name Hedwig? Because you're a real hoot."
- “Is your name Hermione? Because you're making my heart race.”
- "Is your name Quidditch? Because you make my heart race like a Seeker chasing the Golden Snitch."
- “Wanna go manage some mischief together? I solemnly swear I’m up to no good.”
- “What do you say we disapparate out of here?”
- “You had me at “Harry Potter.”
- “You have two choices tonight, come with me and you'll see love spells. Go with him and you'll see Hog-WARTS!”
- “You must be a house-elf, because you clean up great.”
- “You must be a Weasley, because I'm feeling a strong connection.”
- “You must play Quidditch. I know a Keeper when I see one.”
If you can make the recipient laugh, their attraction to you will increase.
When to use funny Harry Potter pick up lines: Funny Harry Potter pick up lines work in line at a coffee shop, while waiting for public transportation, or at singles events.
- Use Funny Harry Potter Pick Up Line #22 on a co-worker from a different department during a company-wide gathering, like Happy Hour or a concert.
- Use Funny Harry Potter Pick Up Line #3 on a stranger who is probably not familiar with the Wizarding World.
Flirty Harry Potter Pick Up Lines
Now we’re entering the flirtation zone and the pick up lines become geared toward seducing the recipient on top of flattering them.
Here are 27 flirty Harry Potter pick up lines.
- “Are you a Boggart? Because you're the only thing I'm afraid of losing.”
- “Are you a Dementor? Because you just took my breath away.”
- “Are you a golden snitch? Because I've been seeking something like you my whole life.”
- "Are you a Patronus? Because being with you feels like my happiest memory."
- “Are you a Patronus? Because you just took my breath away.”
- “Are you a Patronus? Because you light up my world.”
- “Are you a Pensieve? Because I can't get you out of my head.”
- “Are you a Snitch? Because you're the finest catch here.”
- "Are you a Triwizard champion? Because I'd love to take you on a magical adventure."
- “Are you half-alive Voldemort? Cause you’re always in the back of my mind.”
- "Are you made of Amortentia? Because I can smell attraction."
- “Did you survive Avada Kedavra? Cause your drop dead gorgeous.
- “I use to go to the Astronomy Tower to see stars, but now I can just look into your eyes!”
- “I would take a Marauders Map just to stare at you all night!”
- “I'm not a Death Eater, but I'll make you my Dark Lord.”
- “I'm not a house-elf, but I'll do anything to make you happy.”
- “If I opened my Gryffindor would you Slytherin?”
- “If I were to look into the Mirror of Erised, I'd see the two of us together.”
- “Is that a wand in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
- “We may not be in Professor Flitwick's class, but you sure are charming!”
- “Would you like to whomp my willow?”
- “You can have the portkey to my heart.”
- “You make my Huffle puff.”
- “You may be a muggle, but that body is magical.”
- “You must be a Horcrux, because I can't stop thinking about you.”
- “You're like a Golden Snitch, hard to catch but worth the chase.”
- “You’ve got my heart on lockdown like a Gringotts Vault.”
The above pick up lines flatter recipients and let them know where your interests lie.
When to use flirty Harry Potter pick up lines: Whether you’re interested in a hook-up or a one-night stand that turns into two, three, or more, flirty pick up lines have specific purposes. Maybe you’re already in a relationship and it’s time for some role playing to spice things up.
- Use Flirty Harry Potter Pick Up Line #21 is great for asking for a romp from a stranger or significant other.
- Use Flirty Harry Potter Pick Up Line #19 to perk up a significant other who just got home from work or running errands.
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Dirty Harry Potter Pick Up Lines
Our last category is dirty Harry Potter pick up lines. The lines put intentions front and center with a very spicy twist.
Here are 32 dirty Harry Potter pick up lines.
- “Wanna see my Sword of Gryffindor?“
- "Are you a golden egg? I need to take a bath with you to figure out your secrets."
- "Are you a parseltongue? Because my snake wants to talk to you."
- “Are you interested in making some magic together? My wand’s at the ready.”
- “Can I call you Dumbledore? Because you look like a headmaster!”
- “You may be a muggle but your body is magical.”
- “I may be a muggle, but the things I can do in bed are magical!”
- “Come on, let's do it Hippogriff style!”
- "Did you drink some skele-gro or are you just glad to see me?"
- “Did you just say "Wingardium Leviosa"? Cause you've got me rising, baby.”
- “Hagrid's not the only giant on campus, if you know what I mean.”
- "Have you been using Accio? Cuz I've been coming to you every night"
- "I can be your house elf. I'll do whatever you want, and I don't need any clothes."
- “I could make you scream louder than a mandrake!”
- “I think my raven's claw can make your huffel puff.”
- "I'd like to get my basilisk into your chamber of secrets"
- "I'd like to visit your Restricted Section tonight…"
- “I'm not wearing an invisibility cloak, but do you think I could still visit your Restricted Section tonight?”
- "I’ve got a Marauders Map that shows me all your secret passageways."
- "If loving you is a crime, send me to Azkaban!"
- "If you were a Dementor, I'd become a criminal just to get a kiss."
- "Let me Slytherin your Griffendoor.”
- “Let me take you to the Quidditch World Cup and show you my Firebolt.”
- "Let's find somewhere private, and make some magical moving pictures of our own."
- "Let's take some Felix Felicis and get lucky."
- "My name might not be Luna, but I sure can Lovegood"
- "One night with me and they'll be calling you Moaning Myrtle."
- “Together we could really make the 'Shrieking Shack' worthy of its name.”
- “Want to learn to speak troll? Don't worry I can get you grunting in no time.”
- "You can hide your dragon in my Forbidden Forest."
- "You must be a Nimbus 2000 because you're sweeping me off my feet."
- “Your name must be Severus Snape, because you're making my prince full blood.”
Whether you’re hoping to get lucky with a stranger or visiting your significant other’s restricted section, deliver the lines with confidence.
When to use dirty Harry Potter pick up lines: For maximum effects, it’s best to use the above line in settings where most recipients are searching for the same results.
- Use Dirty Harry Potter Pick Up Line #21 at a singles event where guests are ready to mingle.
- Use Dirty Harry Potter Pick Up Line #6 on a significant other as date night comes to an end.
Check out more dirty pick up lines.
What Should I Do If Someone Doesn’t Understand My Harry Potter Pick Up Line?
If a recipient doesn’t understand the Harry Potter reference, avoid panicking. Explain the reference and wait for the reaction. The recipient might laugh and state that they have never watched the movies or read the book. Nonetheless, you have their attention.
The other option is to let it go, and use a different line, such as a cheesy pick up line to get the momentum back on track. Or, you can laugh it off and start asking the recipient questions about themselves because you want to get to know them.
Harry Potter remains popular two decades later for several reasons. Have fun with the pick up lines and enjoy meeting new people. If you use any of the Harry Potter pick up lines for an online dating profile, our online dating profile review can optimize it.